Scottish Phone Sex

scottish phone sexI moved to Glasgow in November. You have no idea how different that place is from London. I thought it will be full of horny girls who would want to fuck with me, as I am not bad looking at all. Man, I was so wrong! After trying to hit on yet another girl from the university, unsuccessfully, I moved on to fapping. I could no longer stand that annoying morning hard on I would wake up with. I would jack off every single day for about a week, but I kept on feeling horny throughout the whole day.

0909 894 40 28

Calls cost 60p per minute plus your phone company’s access charge

Ever felt that? I bet you have. I never felt as horny with my ex; she would have loved it. Anyway, I had to think of something else. I google-d and found a rather strange offer: a girl on a popular message board offered phone sex. This was no paid phone sex, nor some cheap Scottish phone sex, but a perfectly common woman who got horny when speaking to strangers on the phone. Even reading her original post turned me on immensely.
Well, I IM-ed her, and she soon enough gave me her number. She was local. I enjoyed this fact. I could imagine she was my long-legged neighbour. I called and she picked up with a nice, gentle presentation “I am Sam,” she said. I also said my name and then asked her about her clothes, this was something I have heard people talked about on such occasions. When she told me about the spandex thongs and the immense wetness spilling out of her at the very sound of my rough voice, I was already covered in precum. It was that little I needed.
The entire call lasted nothing more than fifteen minutes, but it was amazing. The relief I managed to get from Sam’s words about how her wet pussy would tighten around my cock… It was incredible. Honestly, I think this was the beginning of a great phone sex affair I will have for the rest of my life.